Post Operative Abdominal Air/ Gas discomfort

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Hello I recently underwent lung surgery at Guys Hospital- I am now 3 weeks post surgery. 2 weeks discharged from the ward.

i have very painful distended abdominal air/ gas on my left side. I raised this with the hospital and was provided buscopan , which did not improve the issue. Referred to GP by the ward, contacted GP and sent to local A & E, with request for X-ray and CT scan.

A & E - carried out ECG/ X-RAY but no CT scan - it was explained to me this may be fecal impaction. I had a bowel movement whilst under assessment there . I was discharged with a prescription for strong laxatives. The laxatives are working to pass smooth stools, but there is no relief from the trapped gas/ air issue. It’s very painful, I am loosing my appetite and cannot mobilise properly without pain, I cannot perform the breathing exercises as per the physio recommendations. I am very fatigued and cannot seem to get anyone to listen on this issue. They focus only on the lung surgery which all the tests suggest is healing well, with no thorax evident. Please can anyone advise best way I can seek assistance. Many thanks

  • I am Sharon, one of the nurses on the Macmillan Cancer Support Line.

    I am sorry to hear that you feel that no-one is listening to you, that must be very frustrating, but also concerning, particularly so soon after having surgery.

    It would be difficult for us to know what could be causing your current symptoms from the information that you have given us. You have done all the right things so far trying to get help to resolve this issue. However, it is important that you seek further medical assessment today for your ongoing symptoms.

    If you experience any problems with your breathing or if symptoms get worse while you are waiting for review, you should call 999 immediately.

    Remember we are here for you if you need us. As well as our support line, we have webchat, and an online community, where you can get support from people who are in a similar situation.

    Take care,


    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email. Ref SA/JD