BCG bladder cancer treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 34 subscribers

I had my 8th instillation on Thursday and I am still in quite a lot of pain today including frequent urintation and some debris. This instillation was unusually painful compared to the previous ones. I saw the nurse today by chance when I took in my sample to the hospital and she just said to keep drinking and taking pain killers. I’m concerned that the symptoms are continuing longer than the usual 24-72 hours. Does this happen sometimes?

  •  Hi Andy4548,

    Thanks for getting in touch with your question, and welcome to our online community. I hope you are finding it a supportive place to visit.

    My name is Gemma, I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurses here on the Macmillan Support Line.

    I’m sorry to read just how painful you have found your 8th BCG Bladder instillation. It certainly does sound like this particular procedure has been very different in terms of side effects for you than previous ones. We always encourage being assessed for any symptoms that are not improving, are worsening or new.

    We recommend getting back in touch with your hospital team, perhaps your nurse specialist. We wonder whether you were able to have a full and proper conversation about the difference this time when you saw her in the corridor yesterday.  It may be worth a further explanation.

    Please do be mindful of if you start to feel generally unwell of have any of these symptoms: a continuing high temperature (fever); vomiting; skin rash; a cough. As they can indicate a more serious infection. Or if you notice painful joints, symptoms of a urinary tract infection and red and sore eyes.

    If you become increasingly concerned about your health, you could call NHS 111 to be assessed over the phone, even during GP hours.

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email


    With Kind Regards, 
    Gemma, Macmillan Cancer Information Nurse Specialist


  • Thanks Gemma. I’m due for the 9th instillation on Thursday so I will be seeing the nurse then. As it stands I will be asking for a postponement but I also haven’t yet had the results of my regular urine test so that may give some indication.