Vulval cancer referral

  • 1 reply
  • 32 subscribers

My referral letter on the NHS app says that my GP thinks it is likely that I have cancer and wants it investigated and if the first test proves negative,she would like a consultant to consultant referral. What does this last part mean?

  • Hi LindyB

    Thanks for getting in touch and welcome to the online community. My name is Fiona and I’m one of the Macmillan cancer information nurses.

    I see from your profile that you have joined some of our groups and I hope you are finding them supportive.

    You have asked what is meant by consultant-to-consultant referral in your referral letter on the NHS app. This could mean that if the initial consultant finds no cancer, that your GP would like them to refer you on to another consultant for further investigation.

    As we do not have access to your medical notes or NHS systems you would need to discuss this further with your GP to get clarity around this.

    I hope this information helps. Please feel free to get back in touch if you want more information or support.

    Best wishes,

    Fiona P

    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email

    Ref: FP/PN