Rituxan toxicity

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

My doctor has said Rituxan is toxic to my bone marrow.  Does this completely rule out further Rituxan use?  I'm wondering perhaps it depends upon how my blood cells rebound over some weeks.

Thanks, Lorisue

  • Hi Lorisue,

    I’m Kirsty one of the cancer information nurse specialists that work on the Macmillan support line. Thanks for getting in touch. We have a supportive online community that you might be interested in joining. If unsure which forum is for you, perhaps consider posting a comment in our new to the community forum.

    It is difficult for me to comment on something your consultant has said, as I don’t have access to your record or results. From what you have shared, it appears that you are recovering from side effects from Rituxan/Rituxumab and are unsure about a treatment plan going forward.

    Blood cells can be affected by cancer treatment and are therefore monitored regularly. You don’t mention which of these blood cells have been affected in your bone marrow and the level they may have dropped to.

    White blood cells are part of your immune system and if very low leave you more open to infection. A drop in red blood cells is called anaemia, and if platelets are low, you are at an increased risk of bruising and bleeding.

    Your consultant will weigh up both the benefits your treatment can bring, along with the harmful side affects you are experiencing. This allows them to make the right treatment decision for you. As you say, it may be too early to make that decision just yet.

    Your consultant can suggest ways to boost the recovery of bloods if needed, but they usually recover gradually on their own. Try not to worry about next steps as you recover. Any discussion about your treatment will often happen in the multidisciplinary team meeting (MDT).

    You can reach out to your cancer nurse specialist (CNS) for additional support and reassurance.


    Best wishes

    Kirsty, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 


    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email. 

    Ref/ PN

  • Thank you Kirsty!  You are much appreciated.
