Sore nipple

  • 1 reply
  • 36 subscribers

Hi, I had a lumpectomy 8th February,  my wound side of breast has healed, I had a little infection but cleared with antibiotics,  but my nipple has become quite sore, my bra and clothes irritate it, is it normal ? 

  • Hi  


    Thanks for getting in touch with our online community. My name’s Louise and I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists here. 

    A lumpectomy (wide local incision) can cause problems for some people. Some people may experience pain and discomfort for a variety of reasons, such as nerve damage, for example.   

    It’s good to hear the antibiotics helped clear the infection and that the wound side of the breast has healed. However, as we don’t have access to medical records and can’t see someone to assess changes, it’s difficult to say what might be causing the sore nipple, and irritation from your bra and clothes, as everyone is different.  

    We would always encourage anyone to report any changes or concerns to their healthcare team. Because you have recently had surgery and have already been treated for an infection we would suggest calling 111 straight away for assessment. The pain and irritation you describe might be due to another infection which can lead to sepsis, which can be life threatening if left untreated.  

    It can be difficult to experience changes after treatment such as surgery. It’s important to look after yourself. I can see you have joined the breast cancer group. Forums like this a be a great source of support, and a helpful way to share experiences with others in a similar situation. You can also find this type of support from the Breast Cancer Now forum. You can also find support in your area.  

    It might also be helpful to call us. One of our nurses would be happy to talk things through. 


    Kind regards  

    Louise, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist  

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email.  

    Our Ref:  LR/SH