Side effects from Rituximab,

  • 2 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi, I was diagnosed with MALT Stage 1 Lymphoma on my left parotid gland last Feb. Started Rituximab treatment in May 2023, had 8 doses, once a week for two months. I’m now on 3 monthly monitoring for two years. First two monitoring appts I’m all clear. Question I have is that I’ve developed spots on top of my arms and on my back. They have appeared since my treatment dropped. I’ve seen my haematologist about it and I’m waiting to see an NHS dermatologist but this isn’t until April. I just wondered if anyone else had spots that appeared, after treatment, they go in to a scab, dry up and eventually go, but if they grt caught on clothes they bleed. They aren’t itchy or hurt. Has anyone else experienced this before and can you recommend some creams I can put on to them to moisturise them and improve them too. It’s quite depressing really. Have a holiday booked in summer and want to reduce these spots altogether. Not sure how long drugs  stsy in your body. I also had steroid infusions at same time of treatment. Also even though I exercise 5 days a week up to an hr, I can’t lose weight another problem I think caused by the therapy.

  • Hello Fab123


    Welcome to the Online Community here at Macmillan. I hope you find it a helpful place to access support and ask questions. My name is Vanessa and I am one of the information nurses.


    I see from your profile that you have joined some of our online community forum groups. I hope they are proving helpful to you.


    I’m sorry to see that you are having some problems following your treatment with rituximab and steroid infusions.


    It’s difficult for me to say what may be causing your spots of how best to treat them. Here at the Macmillan, we are independent from the NHS and don’t have access to medical records so can’t give personalised information.  

    Rituximab and steroids can cause skin changes including rashes and spots but these do normally settle when treatment finishes.

    I’m glad to see that you have already spoken to your hospital team about your spots. I would suggest contacting them to ask for recommendations regarding the best products to use as they have seen and assessed your skin.

    If you haven’t already done so you could also ask within the Non-Hodgkin lymphoma online forum if anyone has experienced this symptom. Or you could ask lymphoma action if they have any further advice.

    Regarding weight gain this can be a side effect of many cancer treatments.

    We do have some information about eating well and keeping active following a cancer diagnosis.

    We have a booklet: Managing Weight Gain After Cancer Treatment. and you might find the NHS weight loss plan helpful too.

    We also have a booklet called Physical Activity and Cancer which has information on the benefits of physical activity and what is safe to take part in and sources of additional help.

    Penny Brohn also offer a range of resources for living well with cancer many of which are available online.

    I hope you find this information helpful. You can also always call one of our nurses directly if you want to talk over your concerns or require any further support.



    Take care


    Vanessa G, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email



    Ref VG/JL


  • Vanessa, thank you for all this useful info. I did join Lymphoma Action and are taking part in one of their online video support meetings this week, to make contact with others in similar situation, I appreciate all your comments. I guess until I see a dermatologist next month, hopefully face to face I cannot really do anymore about the rash, thankfully they are not itchy. I try to keep active and eat well, and hopefully in time the spots will gradually go and not return.

    thanks again 
