Start of chemotheraphy and dentist treatment

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  • 32 subscribers

Hello, I'm supposed to start chemotherapy this Friday (in two days). Yesterday, I had a dentist appointment to get my teeth sorted before chemo. What was supposed to be a simple filling, turned out to be a more complex job. I had gum partially covering my wisdom tooth which had to be pushed back, which resulted in bleeding. My gum is now bruised, lacerated and swollen. Could this be a contraindication to starting chemo? Or will it heal even after I start chemo?

  • Hello Agami

    Thanks for getting in touch. My name is Helen, I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurses on the Macmillan Support Line.

    Welcome to the online community.

    I was sorry to read that you needed more dental work than anticipated and its left your gum with a wound.

    It’s really important the team looking after you know that this is the case as they will need to decide if it is safe to continue with the planned start date tomorrow or defer it until your gum has healed.

    Even simple cuts can become infected and cause health issues when on chemotherapy.

    If you have the number of the chemotherapy department, don’t hesitate to give them a call this morning. If you are unsure of their number, simply call the hospital switchboard and ask to be put through to the chemotherapy department.  

    I hope this information is useful, Agami. Please don’t hesitate to get back in contact by email, webchat or phone, if you need further information or support.

    The Macmillan Support Line offers practical, clinical, financial and emotional support. You can call us free from landlines and from most mobile phone networks on 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week, 8am – 8pm.


    Best wishes, Helen

    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 


    Ref HM/GH