Erectile dysfunction

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  • 34 subscribers


I’m 6 weeks post op from a radical prostatectomy. For 5 weeks I have been taking 100mg Viagra 3 times a week but this didn’t help with an erection. I have an appointment in 6 weeks with the erectile dysfunction nurse to discuss. My question is will 12 weeks without effective penile rehabilitation therapy prove to be detrimental to my recovery chances?

  • Hi CosmicNebula

    Thanks for getting in touch and welcome to the online community. My name is Fiona and I’m one of the cancer information nurses. I see that you have joined the prostate cancer forum and I hope that you are finding it useful.

    You have asked about the impact of time with no effective penile rehabilitation therapy on your recovery chances. From the information available most state that early rehabilitation post surgery can have some improvement on recovery. One article states that any form of penile rehabilitation is better than doing nothing. That would then suggest that having no penile rehabilitation would have a negative impact on recovery.

    You may find these guidelines for professionals of interest – Treating erectile dysfunction after surgery.

    It may help to speak to your GP about which PDE 5 drug, of which Viagra is one, that you take. You may find this information useful. There is a section on treatments and penile rehabilitation.

    Here at the Macmillan Support Line, we are able to give general information and support. We are independent from the NHS and don’t have access to medical records so we can’t give personalised information. As the nurse specialist is directly involved in your care, hopefully they can answer your question more fully. It would be advisable to contact them to discuss your concerns.

    I hope this information helps. Please feel free to get back in touch if you want more information or support.

    Best wishes,

    Fiona M,

    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 

    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email
