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  • So back In January  I woke up with lest testicle pain went to a@e and they injected somthing into my bum I haven't felt right since my testicle pain my pain went away after said I just had an infection so the pain went I had a ultrasound and everything was fine I then woke up the next morning and thought I layed on my foot and leg funny and my foot  fills heavy this is just on one side and it's not the same pain as I'm in now then couple days after my arm is swollen and I'm getting serious back pain my left side of my shoulder is swollen hospital has said it's just fatty lump I lost 4 stone in 17 weeks I'm constantly tierd  I have lost my apptite I just think it's somthing to do with that injection they give me I'm constantly hot at night even in the day I'm constantly wearing shorts please can somone just help me with this and can anyone relate thank you it would mean a lot been back and fourth with doctors and bloods everything is fine but I'm just not myslef I lost so much weight and never got no energy every cancer I'm getting just weeing and going for the 2nd okay I think it might be Ewing sarcoma  I'm getting a lot of leg pain I just don’t no what to do anymore I tried everything My weight is dropping life anything I’m constanly going to hospital and doctors that’s all they have done is blood test I’m so scared cause  I know I have it I never felt like this 
  • Hi Joe, 

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.  My name is Kenny and I’m one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialist (CINS) here at Macmillan.  I’m sorry you have been troubled by these symptoms and are trying to understand their cause.  Please be aware that as a CINS on the Macmillan Support Line, we are not able to offer a second opinion or make a diagnosis from your symptoms.   

    The best way to find out what is causing these problems is to revisit your GP. They can examine you and arrange any necessary tests. NICE provides clear guidance to GPs on which symptoms may lead to a cancer diagnosis so they will investigate if they have any concerns.   

    It may be helpful to keep a health diary where you record any symptoms, with dates and times also included before your next visit (including your weight loss).  It can be as basic or as complex as you feel comfortable with.  This allows you to give a more accurate insight of what is happening, which may be helpful for your GP too.   


    Anxiety support 

    We know that worrying about cancer is extremely difficult, especially when you are experiencing numerous symptoms.  From what you have said, it sounds as though you are struggling with anxiety, to the point where you are worried that you may have an undiagnosed cancer which must be very upsetting for you.  If these worries start to feel as though they are taking over your life, it can often be described as health anxiety.  We would suggest having a chat to your GP about this, as there are lots of things that can help with managing this.  

    The first strategy in managing anxiety when related to health, is to refrain from using Google.  Whilst Google can offer a wealth of information at our fingertips, it has no filter, and we often find ourselves in dark and scary places that are irrelevant to our circumstances.  This will feed the anxiety even more. 

    Anxiety UK have some useful resources and strategies for managing anxiety.  You may also benefit from talking to someone about your fears and worries.  Your GP would be best placed at looking at local services to support you with this. 

    Sometimes it can be good to talk through what’s happening Joe. If you think it would help you can call us free on 0808 808 0000 for a wee chat. Our line is open seven days a week from 8am – 8pm. You can also e- mail us back and we aim to reply within two working days. You can also Chat to us online, as this can sometimes help too.  


    I really hope you get some early resolution and support as required Joe.  


    Best wishes  




    Ref:KD/ GG