Post chemo side effects

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I had my first chemo for breast cancer a week ago.  I’m aware of the side effects but I didn’t realise I would be so utterly exhausted.  10 hours sleep last night from 7.30 pm.  Is heat a factor?  I thought I would feel unwell for the first week and ok in weeks 2 and 3 following each cycle but I seem to be getting worse, not improving at all.

Other side side effects are indigestion, constipation followed by diarrhoea (I’m taking movicol), loss of taste/appetite.  Is heat also a factor here? 


  • Hi LovetoSparkle,

    Thanks for getting in touch. I’m Eileen one of the Cancer Information Nurses on the support line.

    I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing the severe fatigue and other side effects from your chemotherapy. If the weather is hot and the temperature high this could be an additional factor influencing your fatigue. Loss of appetite, heartburn, and taste changes are common side effects of several cancer drugs.

    You haven’t mentioned whether your temperature is normal or not but we know that at 7 to 14 days following chemotherapy people are at greatest risk of having lower blood counts. If white blood cells are affected infection risk increases and you might develop and high body temperature or occasionally a lower temperature than normal.  If red blood cell production has been affected causing anaemia, extreme tiredness might be experienced.

    It’s important that anyone experiencing new or worsening symptoms following their treatment, contact the hospital or their treating team straight away to make them aware.

    If you’ve been given a 24-hour chemotherapy helpline number at the hospital, please call them now to discuss the symptoms you’re experiencing. If you have difficulty getting through to the hospital you can also call NHS111.

    I hope this helps and best wishes


    If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch. You can speak with the Macmillan Support Line on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or email us. 

    Best wishes,


    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist



    Eileen M - Macmillan Cancer Information Nurse Specialist