Terminal secondary cancer of the liver

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  • 32 subscribers

Hi, I am nee on here and I’m looking some advise for my mum. 

She has terminal secondary cancer in the liver with mets to pancreas and lungs

Originated in bowl, colon cancer - operation to have tumour removed and chemo. The doctors have told us that the chemo has not worked and that they can do nothing for her. 

we are beyond devastated. If anyone has any advice or guidance, please get in touch. 

Thank you,


  • Hi Wayne J,

    Thanks for getting in touch and welcome to the Online Community. I’m David, one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists on the Macmillan Support Line.

    So sorry to hear that your mum’s colon cancer has advanced. This must be a distressing and worrying time for mum and the family.

    We have further information on advanced cancer which you may find useful. CRUK also have good information going forward.

    Coping with advanced cancer emotions and how your feeling can be difficult for the person with cancer, their family and friends.

    For some people, treatment may no longer be able to control the spread of cancer. Or they may not be well enough for treatment.

    Their Doctor, Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) or Palliative Care Team will be best placed to help with managing any symptoms they may have as well as emotional support and practical advice.

    Right now, it may be an idea to talk with mum to find out what her feelings, thoughts and wishes are going forward.

    You might want to ask her if she became unwell, would she want to go back into hospital or remain at home. Or, how does she feel about Hospice care.

    If someone wants to remain at home, then it’s important to know what services may be available in your area to help facilitate this.

    We have further information on being cared for at home and caring for someone at home.

    Its also important to take care of yourself and your feelings at this point and reach out to those services that can help during this time.

    It may be an idea to give our Support Line a call for a more in-depth conversation on how we can support mum and the family at this time.

    Sometimes people find strength in talking with others who share similar experiences. Our Online Community may be a good place to start.

    Bowel Cancer UK are also a good source of information and support.


    With best wishes


    David T – Macmillan


    Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 


    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or email us. 


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