Cancer of the Osophaegus

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  • 33 subscribers

My husband has had a stent fitted in order to make eating easier, but it doesn't.  He exists on Weetabix and Porridge, has been prescribed nutritious drinks but is inconstant discomfort.  I am at my wits end thinking of how I can encourage him to eat.  Meat is a non starter.  Toast is definitely off the menu, any recipe ideas would be most welcome.


  • Hi Poppy120651,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us and welcome to our online community. I’m Alison one of the nurses who works here on the Macmillan Support Line.

    I’m sorry to hear that your husband is still struggling despite the stent placement. Discomfort and limited food options will make it more difficult for him to eat and I imagine put him off trying to eat or drink very much.

    I’m sure you’ll have been given information from the hospital on what foods to avoid. Finding new recipes to entice your partner to eat more is a good idea as it can be difficult eating the same foods.

    I wonder if he has any input from a dietitian or speech and language therapy? Sometimes if someone has been struggling to eat for a prolonged period of time, the muscles can ‘forget’ how to swallow, so some coaching and exercises might be required. If he doesn’t already have this input, then please contact his team at the hospital and ask for him to be referred.

    It can be stressful and overwhelming for you to cope with this and know what to do for the best. If you’d like to talk things through, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

    You could also look at our Oesophageal cancer group as often others who have gone through similar treatment can be an invaluable source of support.


    Best wishes


    Alison P, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist 


    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email. 
