Hair growth after Chemo

  • 1 reply
  • 33 subscribers

I lost my hair during Chemo and though it is starting to grow back, after 9 months it is very fine and very patchy.

Is there anything I can do or take to improve this, or is this it? 


  •  Hi ,

    Welcome to our online community and thanks for posting your question.


    I hope you are recovering well after treatment and starting to feel a little more like yourself. For many people, hair re-growth is an important part of recovery, but it can sometimes take longer than expected.


    There is no one size fits all answer to your question unfortunately as it varies from person to person. But I want to reassure you that it is normal for hair to appear fine and patchy to begin with. Especially around the hair line and crown area.


    Cancer Hair Care is the UK’s leading hair loss support charity and has lots of really good information and support. You may find the new hair growth and commonly asked questions section particularly helpful.


    It might be worth mentioning your concerns to your cancer team and/or GP. They will be able to let you know if they think your hair growth is within these normal limits and if not, they can refer you to a specialist for advice about possible hair growth issues.


    You might also find it helpful to post a question into one of our online community forums so you can connect with other people in a similar situation. This peer support can be invaluable.

    I hope this helps and please get back in touch if you need any more information or support.


    Best wishes,

    Amy C, Cancer Information Nurse Specialist


    You can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or send us an email.


    Ref/ RH