Aloe vera pasteurised juice ingestion

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  • 32 subscribers

Apologies as I'm not sure if I should talk to a nurse or a dietitian. Could not find here in the online communities of ask an expert the option for dietitians Slight smile

In my culture, the ingestion of aloe vera pasteurised juice is encouraged, given the properties it has. Having asked my oncologist about taking the juice he said he has no idea what aloe vera is and could not tell me if I should take it or not.

Googling is not helping much, as usual you'll find all kinds of studies and advices but for a layman like me (all I know is from culture, not based in studies or facts) it gets really difficult to understand if taking it I'm causing any harm or if I don't take it I'm missing a good opportunity to help myself during the treatment (I confess weekly sessions of Paclitaxel are tougher than I anticipated).

Is there any reputable website you can recommend with this information or any advice you could kindly give to help me out?

Many thanks in advance

  • Dear IBCTN Fighter,

    Thanks for getting in touch with us and welcome to the online community. I’m Lorna one of the Cancer Information Nurse Specialists.

    I’m sorry to hear that you are finding it difficult to get information regarding pasteurised aloe vera juice.

    It is important to tell your Oncologist if you are taking any alternative or dietary supplements as they can interact with any cancer treatment you are currently having.

    Aloe vera has been used as a traditional medicine or alternative treatment for many years. Some people take it as a laxative. Generally, it is safe to use on the skin but taking it as a supplement can have serious side effects, especially if you are having chemotherapy treatment.

    Despite a lot of research into cancer and food supplements, there is little or no evidence to suggest that taking them can help to treat cancer. It might be helpful to talk to the dietician at the treatment unit you are attending, or you could contact a Boots Macmillan Information Pharmacist for information and advice.

    You might find the Alternative Therapies Forum helpful to chat to others who have been considering this too.

    Please don’t hesitate to get back in touch if we can be of any further help. You can speak to one of the nurses directly or email us back or contact us on webchat.

    I hope this has been helpful to you,


    Best Wishes


    Ref: LB

    Lorna-Macmillan (Cancer Information Nurse Specialist)