Family support for recent diagnosis

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Hello I am in desperate need of how to support my brother and his family.  My brother has had a recent diagnosis of a diffuse glioma but is awaiting biopsy date to confirm staging and then a treatment plan  

Botb he and his wife are in denial of the situation and gs r not sought help because of this.  He supports his wife who doesn’t work plus three children 2 under 21 who do not work either and he is on the minimum wage with his employer.

j gave tried to encourage him to take up support but it falls on deaf ears and my mum doesn’t want me to upset him so I’m at a loss

can you please help ad this is such a worry?

thank you


  • Hello Sarah and thank you for reaching out.

    I’m so sorry to hear about your brother’s diagnosis, especially as him and his wife seem to be in denial. The impact this will have on him and his family is understandably worrying for you, especially financially with there being children to support.

    Our Welfare Rights Team can perform a benefits check for your brother over the phone Sarah. Our number is 0808 808 00 00, and their lines are open 8am – 6pm Monday to Friday. They will need information about his income, outgoings and any savings and investments he might have. Someone else can call and speak to the team if he doesn’t feel up to it, but the team will still need the information mentioned. You might also find our Help with the Cost of Cancer publication helpful.

    Denial is a normal reaction but it’s not easy for those on the outside to comprehend sometimes. There are different ways someone might experience denial. For example, your brother may accept some parts of his situation and not others. It may be upsetting for you, but denial is a strong coping tool. Some people will eventually accept their situation, but some choose to stay in denial. If that happens, try to accept it, although I know it won’t be easy.

    You might find the following publications helpful.

    Talking with someone who has cancer

    Talking to children and teenagers when an adult has cancer

    Cancer and relationships

    How do you feel you’re managing Sarah? I know finding out about your brother’s diagnosis and the worry that comes with that can’t be easy. Do you have support for yourself during this difficult time? We’re here if it helps to talk or if you have any further questions of course. You’d be welcome to join our Family and friends forum too of course.

    Take care.

    Alex, Information and Support Adviser

    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or by email.