What to do about Holiday booked before diagnosis

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  • Had a CT scan for appendicitis which coincidentally showed abnormality on one ovary. From there I had a copolscopy (all normal) but consultant wanted to be sure so followed up with hysteroscopy. Told today I have cancerous cells in endometrium so will need a MRI first then hysterectomy and results of that will determine whether I will need any other treatment. This will all take place in the next 6 weeks which falls on my holiday. Am I correct in thinking I need to inform my travel insurer about the diagnosis and cancel my holiday and claim from them?

My heads in a mess with today's news so I want to sort out this ASAP as its a matter of £3000 I paid for me and my wife.

Any advice would be appreciated

  • Hi  

    My name’s Vicky and I’m a Support Advisor here at Macmillan.  I’m so sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis, that must have been such a shock for you and your family, it's understandable you're feeling like your head's in a mess.  Please know that we’re here for you whenever you, or your family, need any support, whether it’s questions or just someone to talk things over with, our freephone number is 0808 808 0000 and we’re here every day from 8am to 8pm so please do reach out as much as you need to.

    With regards to your holiday Stiffi, my advice would be to call the travel company you booked your holiday through to explain the situation, as well as your insurer too, they should then, hopefully, be able to cancel your holiday.  It is worth noting that they may ask you to provide proof of your diagnosis or condition, every company procedure is different of course but most of the customers I’ve spoken with in similar situations have been asked for this.

    You could also take a look at our travel insurance forum, people post advice and information on there and you can ask others if they have been in similar situations and how they went about cancelling. 

    I hope this information is of use to you Stiffi, if you have any other questions or want to talk about this further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. 

    Take care,

    Kindest regards,

    Vicky, Information and Support Adviser

    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or by email.