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  1. 5 weeks ago I finished 5 weeks x 5 days a week radiotherapy and oral chemo.  I'm going for a scan 28th oct to check if cancer has shrunk enough to operate, remove cancer and part of bowel then have stoma fitted, I was coping in the beginning but I'm now struggling I lost my dad to cancer 33 years ago.  My auntie last Christmas and my cousin is dying from it.  I'm so scared and crying at nothing. Always feeling like I want to end it but can't leave my 3 year old dog alone (he's keeping me going)  but I'm scared I'm gonna die on the operating table or I'll get secondary cancer when the op is over.  I've just been to the drs today and signed off work and given anti depressants.  I'm so low x
  • Hello  

    I’m really sorry to hear about what has been happening. It sounds like things have been a struggle, and I can see that you have lost members of your family recently. I guess this all adds to how you are feeling, and it’s understandable that you might be finding it difficult to cope. Have you got some support around you at all?

    We are certainly here for you. You’d be welcome to get in touch with us on our freephone support line 0808 808 00 00 or our online webchat service. Both open 8am – 8pm seven days a week. We will provide you a space to talk things through and express how you are feeling, we can offer you emotional support and guidance too.

    When going through a diagnosis, it’s quite natural to feel scared and anxious, but you’ve done the right thing reaching out to us, and also speaking with your GP about it. It’s good to hear that they have prescribed some medication for you and supported you by signing you off work. Hopefully, over time, this will help ease things for you, and we are here to help you too, so please do stay in touch with us whenever you need to  .

    David, Information and Support Adviser

    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or by email.