Breast size changes

  • 1 reply
  • 12 subscribers

My breast has changed drastically so now the affected breast has shrunken. I use a padded bra to even the appearance. I want to know is there is a brand of bra suitable to help me with my appearance?

  • Hello Canny and thank you for contacting the Online Community.

    This blog post talks about choosing bras after breast surgery and there’s a link to The Bra Sisters,  two cancer thrivers on a mission to transform post-mastectomy bra fitting. There’s also a link to Breast Cancer Now where they talk about bras after surgery for breast cancer. You might also find recommendations in one of our breast cancer forums.

    How are things just now for you Canny, is there anything else we can help you with? We’re here for your emotional support and we also have nurses and financial teams here on our support line. Please stay in touch if it helps to talk or if you have any further questions.

    Alex, Information and Support Adviser

    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or by email.