Recovery concerns

  • 1 reply
  • 12 subscribers

I am recovering from stage 3 breast cancer following treatment and subsequent successful operation in 2021. Whereas I am grateful to be in recovery my life is consumed by dread and fear of the illness re emerging.  I live every day in abject dread and it dominates my whole life.

I need to talk face to face with someone in my position who knows how to cope with this post illness situation. 

Are there local support groups anywhere near me? I live 12miles from Hereford and 10miles from Abergavenny. 

Thank you in anticipation 

  • Hi  

    My name is Jess, and I’m a Cancer Information and Support Adviser here at the Macmillan Support Line. I’m so sorry to hear you’re struggling in this way – I can hear you are grappling with conflicting feelings of gratitude about being in recovery, yet living with the worry of cancer returning.

    Firstly I’d like to offer a little reassurance; there’s no right or wrong way to feel, and often when you’ve gone through the busy and gruelling process of your treatment, you can find afterwards that you have more time and space to really think about what you’ve been through. Feeling this way is to be expected, but I’m glad you’ve reached out for some support in managing this.

    If you wish to look for a support group, you can use our In Your Area search tool. This shows you all your local services including support groups. The Cancer Care Map is similar and may be useful in addition to this.

    It might be helpful to have a read through some of our information specifically around this area you’re struggling with  . This booklet below focuses on the worry of cancer returning and suggestions on how to cope:

    Worrying about cancer coming back

    You are also more than welcome to call our Support Line and discuss any signs, symptoms and the recovery period with our Cancer Information Nurses. They have a wealth of specialist clinical knowledge and expertise, and can discuss any medical concerns or questions with you. They are available on 0808 808 00 00, selecting option 1 then option 3. Lines are open 8am-8pm seven days a week.

    I hope that’s given you a few options to consider  , but if you do need anything further you can contact us as needed, either here on the Online Community, or you can chat with one of our advisers on the Support Line.

    Take good care & sending best wishes
