Repatriation to the UK from Spain

  • 1 reply
  • 14 subscribers


My mam is currently in Almeria Hospital, Spain. I'm looking for recommended companies who provide a repatriation services.

Thank you. 

  • Hi  

    Thank you for getting in touch with us here at Macmillan Cancer Support. I’m so sorry to hear your mam is in hospital, how is she doing?

    The Gov website has a comprehensive list of companies which provide medical repatriation for UK citizens. Here’s the link: Gov - Medical Repatriation Companies.

    This sounds like a challenging time for you  , how are you coping? Please know we are here to help you with any further questions you might have, or if you just need a listening ear. You can contact our Support Line on 0808 808 00 00, we're available 8am-8pm seven days a week. If it might be helpful to pass to your mam, we have an international number too which is +442070912230. Please note we're unable to provide information on healthcare systems outside of the UK. 

    I hope this information is helpful for you, but don't hesitate to get back in touch if we can help with anything else at all.

    Sending best wishes, take good care


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