My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year. As part of his in-depth screen they found a tumour on his lung. My dad was otherwise very healthy- walked the dog twice a day (walking for 3 hours per day). He went in to hospital to have the tumour and a section of his lung removed. This has made my dad very poorly, he’s often too breathless to walk the dog and can do hardly any of the activities he was doing before. On top of that he’s having hormone treatment and soon to start radiotherapy for the prostate.
my dad thinks it’s the ‘end of the road’ for him. He says every day that he wishes he hasn’t had the operation on his lung because he was doing ok. The hormone treatment seems to make him low and emotional - something I’ve never experienced with my dad.
I don’t know how to support him. I’m scared for the further too. He’s my absolute rock! My mum and dad attend the appointments but don’t seem to listen or take in what is being said and then when I ask questions I feel like I’m interviewing them and causing stress- but I’m desperate to know what is happening and what to expect.
my dad has reached 77 without taking any medication or ever being ill and it feels like none of us know how to cope with this. All sad says is ‘I’m alright’ and ‘I’ve got to go sometime’ but nobody is mentioning death and only talking about treatment.
How do I help? How do I manage my own fears. No answers I know!