Dad diagnosed. Daughter feeling helpless

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Dad has been diagnosed with bladder cancer and enlarged prostate. About to start second round of chemo
but prostate causing issues. What can I do to help, brave face on the surface. Struggling to be honest with it all

always been the one that is strong but struggling with emotions and dealing with it 

I have always taken part in charity events for others now I’m doing it for family. All unmanageable 

  • I'm sorry to hear about Dad's diagnosis, Jence. It must be a very difficult time for him right now, and understandably for you too so it's ok to feel how you are at the moment, it's a lot to have to manage and process. 

    When it comes to helping someone after a diagnosis, sometimes the best way to offer support or help during these times is simply to be there for them when they may ask for support. Even if that is just checking-in with them when you feel you can and listening to them too when they would like the space to talk - a lot of the time people try to provide answers or solutions, when the best thing can just be that person who listens to what has been happening, and gives someone space to talk.

    It can be incredibly hard being the person who is supporting someone through a diagnosis and treatment. There is a service that offers professional counselling support to loved ones and family members of those who have received a cancer diagnosis. They are called Penny Brohn, have you heard of them before at all? Their website is and their telephone number is 0303 3000 118.

    There is also the Bladder & Bowel Community who help support the millions of people in the UK who are living with conditions that affect their bladder or bowel. As well as Fight Bladder Cancer who have their own dedicated support forum too. We also have our community forums, Jence, where you may find further support through others experiencing similar situations. Our Bladder Cancer forum can be found here 

    You're also welcome to call and speak to us here on the information and support team, even if it's just to talk about how you're feeling, we're available on 0808 808 0000 and our team can be reached on option 1 and the option 1 again. We're open every day between 8am and 8pm and although we're not trained counsellors, we are here to listen. We're also available through the 'chat to us' button on our website too.

    If there's anything else or if you'd just like to have a chat, Jence, please do reach out to us.

    Take Care


    Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Advisor