Difficult sleeping

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My husband has lung cancer and he has undergone 3 chemotherapies they didn't work 

He then went to Newcastle to try for the trials however going up ajd down to Newcastle 3 tines a week was exhausting for him. His life expectant is 12 month from March 2023

We are living life as much as he can

The problem I have is I hit out in my sleep.  I'm dreaming of him leaving me....nurses pulling him away....animals attacking me...all sorts of horrid dreams......its causing me distress.  I am quite a strong wife ajd I'm supportive but I have to he strong for him. 

Is there anything that can be done  to reduce these outbursts 


    I’m sorry to hear that your husband has been diagnosed with cancer and that chemotherapy hasn’t worked.  That must have been such a shock to hear and feel so hard to process.  Then to find attending the appointments was too much; I can’t imagine how hard the decision to stop them, must have been on both of you.

    Coping with the news that a loved one has incurable cancer is such a difficult and emotional time and can feel one of the hardest things to be faced with. I’m really glad you have got in touch.

    How have you been coping  ? Do you have plenty of support around you? Please know we are here on the Macmillan Support Line as a place you can contact to talk through how you’re feeling and access emotional support. We are also here to support with any general medical and practical questions you might have, as well as having our Money & Work Service on hand if either of those areas are adding concern. We are here every day of the week from 8 am-8 pm on: 0808 808 0000 or via web chat. Do keep in touch as much as needed-we don’t want you to feel you have to cope alone.

    Regarding your dreams, I can appreciate why they worry you.  I would imagine you wake exhausted and perhaps distressed.   I am wondering   have you had a chance yet to talk to your GP?  They may wish to know you are experiencing these distressing dreams and offer you a full consultation, as well as offering support with the best local service to talk this through.

    If you feel you need additional support, as well as contacting us on the Support Line, you may also want to explore if there is a local Macmillan Support Centre nearby: often they will offer emotional and practical support as well as having a good knowledge of additional local support services. You can search if there is one nearby using our In Your Area tool. This tool also allows you to search for local support groups if connecting with others coping with a similar diagnosis or experience would be helpful or of comfort. With this type of support in mind, our Online Community groups: Family and Friend’s Forum and Supporting Someone with Incurable Cancer Forum may also be valuable sources of support.

    In Your Area

    Although it may feel easy to forget when faced with so much, it’s so important to make sure you have the support you need to support yourself through.  Another option for both of you, in terms of cancer health and well being support is Penny Brohn.  They “help people feel better in mind, body and spirit by offering everybody with cancer a choice of personalized cancer care”    this includes the loved one of the patient, so you are welcome to reach out to them.

    Penny Brohn

    I do hope this information is helpful. Please do just get back in touch if you need any further support have any questions.

    Take Care


    Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Advisor