My 76 year old brother, with no immediate family apart from two sisters who live in Kent, was sudendly diagnosed with this awful disease. He is currently in hospsital (3rd time) he is unable to have chemo as they said it would potentially kill him. His prognosis is 12 to 18 months with chemo, and who knows how long without. My concerns are around this latest admission to hospital and the urgency to get him home with carers, palliative care nurses, etc. This in our opinion is putting the patient in an uncomfortable situation, as we know, as soon, as this is an option, I will be calling on his behalf, the CNS, 999 etc. from Kent.(He is not good on the telephone) He lives in London// Is it unreasonable for me to ask the palliative care team and OT team who are looking after him in hospital at the moment, to find a nursing care home, under continuing care, and then a hospice, rather than all the hullaballo which comes with getting care in the community. We know him, and he is such a private person - never married had no family etc., and the fact that he could not manage before going into hospital, how can they expect him to be on his own at night and has also gone down hill rapidly. To me it does not make econmic sense on all third party involvement. I want him to be settled in his last weeks/months and this plan sound horrendous to me. Can anyone share any opinions on this ? I am meeting with the palliative care team tomorrow - and I have raised these concerns. Thanks for reading.