how to get support

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Hello, I was recently diagnosed with ovarian cancer that has spread to the omentum (10 days ago) During that appointment we were told that a macmillan nurse would be in contact following an MDT meeting that was held on the 16th of October. This has not hsppened yet and I was just wondering if there was anything I could do as we are struggling with the situation as a family. I had an appointment with a gynea oncologist today but have just been informed that it has now been cancelled. I’m just worried that the cancer will spread further while we are waiting for some treatment. Many thanks Sioned

  • Dear  ,

    Thank you for your getting in touch. I'm sorry to hear about your situation and that you haven’t yet heard from the Macmillan nurse following the MDT on 16th October. I’m also sorry to hear that your gynae appointment has been cancelled as I understand the emotional impact waiting for an appointment like this can have. I’m very glad you have reached out to us given your concerns about waiting for treatment to start so I hope I can provide some information which may help you in arranging this type of nursing support as soon as possible.

    There are different types of Macmillan nurses so it may be worthwhile checking with your medical team to ask what type of nursing support you have been referred for Sioned. If it is a Clinical Nurse Specialist you have been referred to, then these nurses are usually based at the hospital as a point of contact for support for patients. The Macmillan nurses who work in the community are palliative nurses who provide a holistic approach to a patient and their family. They specialise in pain and symptom management as well as offering emotional support and helping to co-ordinate any additional care or support that may be required.  Here at Macmillan we fund these nurses' training and posts which is why they bear our name, however they are actually employed by the NHS and work on a referral basis so only a healthcare professional such as a GP or consultant can make this type of referral. May I suggest you reach out to your medical team at the hospital to let them know the nurse hasn’t yet been in touch please? Hopefully they can then provide you with the relevant contact details for the nurse who has been assigned to you.

    In the meantime, I wonder if you are aware that we have a team of cancer information nurses here who you can chat to about your concerns about cancer spreading whilst waiting for treatment to start? Please know that you can chat to a nurse by using the ‘Ask a Nurse’ option on the online community or you can call our freephone support line 0808 808 00 00  and press option 1 then 3 to speak to that  team. Their opening hours are 8am-8pm, seven days a week.

    I really hope this information is helpful Sioned. And do remember we are here for emotional support too as we understand how difficult a situation like this can be so please do get back in touch if you have any questions or need further support.

    Take care,

    Marie S - Macmillan

    Cancer Information and Support Adviser

    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 00 00 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or by email.