My husband David was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer in 2018 and was given a prognosis of 2 years, he has survived that, however in March of this year he fell and broke his wrist. Following x-rays it was found the the fracture was pathological, and following more scans, he was told that the cancer had spread to his bones, back, neck and pancreas. He also has multiple fractures in his back and neck. He was given a new prognosis of 6 months. My question is how can I support David with his extremely low moods. He is anxious all the time, particularly at night time, when he wakes up and is so scared, sometimes not knowing where he is. He reaches out in the night to make sure I am still there. He is unable to get down the stairs anymore, so our world is now upstairs only. The low moods normally start around lunch time, and you can physically see him go down, becoming anxious and scared at the smallest thing, but to him that feeling is real. He has lost so much weight he is unrecognisable, he does not eat, only plain yogurt and fresh fruit first thing on a morning, then that is it for the rest of the day. He keeps asking me to help him, but I don’t know what I can do, other than be constantly by his side, and keeping reaching out to him so he knows I am there. We don’t have any family, our family is David and myself, so we are on our own in this nightmare. Any advice you could give would be very welcome.