My sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She has undergone a surgery (hysterectomy, BSO and omentum removal) and is now under chemotherapy treatment. She has been assigned 6 chemos in total and she is now at the middle of the treatment. I am very worried because although everything seems to be going well, she does not seem to cope very well emotionally. She is overly stressed and spends most of her time in bed doing nothing. She lacks motivation for doing anything and she always says that she is stressed and scared. she is also extremely scared that she might get infected with COVID or other viruses and prefers to isolate.
I am not sure how to help her. I have asked her to refer to a psychologist in the past but she felt she didn't get anything helpful out of it. I am worried she might get depressed. What can I say to her to help her realise that is all going quite well and that she should be positive? How can I motivate her to do small tasks so she doesn't spend all her day in bed? Unfortunately, she is not in the UK with me so all our communication is through phone and video calls. Her family are also very worried.