Sorry this is long, but here's my story so far
I had routine bloods in January, docs phoned 3 days later concerned that something was high, sent a week later for Ultrasound, docs rang with results saying there was something on the kidneys and liver, had CT done 2 days later, then an MRI with dye. Had appointment with kidney specialist who said cysts on kidneys but ok, but concerned about liver, had more bloods done, then appointment came through for appointment with gastroenterology a day later. Sat in consultants room, on 5th May, he grabs a nurse, I hear him say can you sit in whilst I deliver some news. My brain turned to mush, went numb and only heard him say they've found something worrying on liver but more concerning is something they've found on the pancreas, I asked what are the chances it's cancer, i think he said high but can't remember I the had another MRI with dye then bloods and referred to Liverpool Aintree, I've heard nothing since then, so I don't know if it's cancer or not, I rang that consultants secretary who said Aintree received the referral on 15th May and they will have an MDT meeting. Ive had a dietician ring twice to check i'm eating ok but I haven't slept since, my mind is overthinking and my anxiety is through the roof.
Is it normal to be left this long not knowing when everything happened so quickly at first? I feel I'm being kept in the dark, will I get a letter or phone call?
Thanks in advance