My husband has just had 30 radiotherapy sessions and 6 chemotherapy. He is still very unwell but as to be expected according to the nurse's.
He emotions are all over the place he pushes me away sometimes won't let me help him. He tells me I'm useless to him and I don't do anything for him which is not the case.
Hes quite aggressive and I hold my tongue because he is unwell. Last night I did tell him to stop being cruel I'm doing everything to help him. I am his only support and I am my own support. If I told anyone how he treats me they would tell me to leave. I am living my own kind of hell trying to duck his emotions and doing with a warm heart, I'm beginning to not like him.
Please tell me this is normal and it will pass. He was the same 5 years ago when a brain tumour was removed. He hated me every day and resulted in telling me the same things. Do other people do that aswell or am I alone in all this?
Thank you