Sarcoma of the lungs
My daughter already cares for her son who Is disabled now has to care for me she only gets money for caring for one person.
Are there any Grant's to help with home or for herself or for daughter?
She has been let down by council and certain services tbd including gp she Is looking for a trust worthy advocate help daily duties cleaning cooking is there anyone grants that can provide this for her.
Her drs led to a late diagnosis in ways is there anyone we can approach which won't let us down and offer what they say are going to please. Dealing with letting down of services and gp services affects people. I myself have been diagnosed breast cancer and liver cancer. We dont want people to run away we need help.
If there is someone who can help please we would be willing to discuss matters futher and try improve lives here.
I dont want mention services publically here but it's very bad when you have cancer and services actually treat you the wrong way what not expect you just to be okay with it and they know about your health so shouldn't be that way.
None of this information without consent is allowed to be used without both parties written consent thank you.
Is there anyone that will represent us in anyway please
Thank you