Prostrate cancer, self employed

  • 1 reply
  • 4 subscribers

Hi there, I am looking for some support for my Dad. He was diagnosed with prostrate cancer last year, had surgery to remove his prostrate and is now getting further treatment after his PSA result raised. He is getting hormone injections and will have 3 months of radiotherapy to follow.

He is self employed as a taxi driver and works around 60 hours a week. He has 3 private pensions from previous employment that equate to about 1k per month and my mum gets her state pension. I complBlushed a benefit calculator and it came back that he isn't entitled to Universal credit, but may be entitled to attendance allowance or PIP. He is working so much, I am worried his job is contributing tBlushhis health issues. He doesn't take any time off. Is there anything available that hasn't been covered? Such as statutory sick pay for self employment? He won't know how the radiotherapy will affect Blushm physically so may need to take some time off, but obviously won't be receiving any pay during this time. Thanks for any advice in advance Blush 


    Thank you for your message. My name is Alissa and I am an adviser on the Work Support team.

    I am sorry to hear about your dad’s prostate cancer diagnosis and hope he is managing well and being looked after by his medical team with his ongoing treatment.

    Understanding your dad is a self-employed taxi driver, I can hear he is used to working very hard and can also understand if he is not working, he is not getting paid. To receive statutory sick pay he would need to be employed by someone to receive this.

    We have a booklet titled ‘self-employment and cancer’ which I have included for further information.

    I would recommend reaching out to our Welfare Rights team here on the Support Line regarding your dad’s circumstances as they will be able to explore any benefits and financial support, he may be eligible for. They can be reached on

    0808 808 00 00 pressing option 1,2 and 2 again. Alternatively they can be contacted here by online chat. This may help in obtaining information to help your dad make comfortable and informed decisions regarding work and taking time off if he needs.

    You mentioned your dad has pensions and I wondered if you require any guidance here. If so, our Financial Guidance team are available on the above number, Monday to Friday, from 8 am until 6 pm selecting option 1, then 2, then 1. By email or chat online.

    I hope this has been helpful to you and please do not hesitate to get back in touch with us or any of our teams if you or your family require.

    Best wishes,



    Work Support Advisor

    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8 am-8 pm) or by email