I have a high pressure job with a minimum hour and a half commute and little ability to WFH. After mums pancreatic cancer diagnosis at the end of June I moved in with her to help care for her and then I was signed off work starting 11/07 for 'stress due to family illness' then 'anxiety and low mood' from Nov.
The full details of our journey are on my profile but she basically needed full time care and though staged 1b passed away 18/11.
I feel that I haven't been supported nor has my situation been dealt with sympathetically. My long absence, lack of support and empathy along with my mums diagnosis, caring for her and now bereavement is also a barrier to me returning as I feel that the aim will be to performance manage me out.
During my absence I have had one formal heath review meeting call with my line manger on 15/09 then and informal call involving the HR partner, my line manager and second line which centred around the impact my absence had on the team and business.
There was discussion around WFH, though my second line raised that WFH for my role is not really viable, and reduced workload. I asked for clarity around what reduced workload would look like and the HR BP stated that I would still be responsible for the team performance and my targets and would remain the same. I therefore explained that this would not be achievable due to my current mental health. She started to focus on how the business could not sustain support for me for much longer though they sympathised with my situation which seemed to be hinting that they would be looking to dismiss me. When the informal call was closed I was told by HR BP that she would call in the next 2-3 days to discuss their thoughts moving forward which didn't happen. There has been no mention of Occupational heath referral or discussions around levels of contact with me to help support.
In October I realised I had not received pay. When I queried with my line manager I was told that I had been overpaid in September and owed the business so this had been taken from my October pay. I hadn't been informed of this by anyone and there was no attempt to discuss repayment with me. I spoke with a union rep on 9/11 who raised this with HR on 10/11 and it was agreed that there was a failing in process. HR then raised with PAyroll 16/11 and attempted to call me to discuss. However, by 16/11 my mothers condition had deteriorated substantially and I was in no position to deal with the issue.
My mum passed away 18/11 and I informed my manager on 21/11 who replied that he was sorry to hear and said if there was anything they could do to let him know,
Contact other than the above since July to now has been strictly asking for fit notes and requesting equipment back from me.
I am very worried that on return to work I will be performanced managed for dismissal. I know that I will not be able to perform to the standard required of me and though I am sure they will do everything to make sure that they look to have made allowances on paper the realty of things will be different and I will struggle to be able to fight it.
I'm looking for advice on what my rights are and how to deal with the situation.
I have an appointment with my GP on 20/11 and I expect they will suggest that I start depression medication, counselling and continued time off as they were suggesting medication before my mother died but I refused due to my concerns around the effect on my care for her and they have been highly aware and concerned regarding the situation I have been in the past few months. However, my SSP runs out mid Jan and I am beginning to struggling financially.
Thanks for any help or advice