My mind is a mess at the moment because of more cancer worries now with my partner.
I've already taken time over over the past 15 months here and there because my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer last June, she has reached her 70th birthday which none of us were expecting this time last year, also my Labrador was diagnosed with cancer but after he had a toe removed he's been given the all clear,.
My biggest concern is I'm on a final written warning at work for my attendance and I'm worried if I push having more time off to be there for my partner I honestly could lose my job, it actually got to a point that I was under the impression my manager didn't believe me as in his email he asked for proof my partner has cancer, to say this has severly upset my partner and I is an understatement. Luckily someone in the company has spoken to myself and advised me to follow my doctors orders and have time with my partner as I was in no fit state myself to work, I'm still not happy with the prospect of not being there for her and my mental health is shot, I don't know what to do for the best and I can't talk to my partner because it's not fare me dumping more problems onto her already troubled plate.
I was told to take as much time as I needed, so because we are not at the point of knowing how severe this diagnosis is for my partner, I feel I need to stay away from work until we know more. Unfortunately the prospect of actually losing my job and not being able to support my partner financially is always there in my mind. I've put in a second sick note for a month as now according to the surgeon's secretary it could be up to six weeks before we know the severity of her cancer so I'm now worried about being dragged in by my manager.
Thanks for any advice you could give me.