Since my employer found out that I was diagnosed with cancer their attitude changed and they reported me to the NMC but asked my Union to tell me when I was 10 post op after bowel cancer surgery. They said they had suspicions that I was working else where when off sick which was untrue. I have taken them to an employment tribunal on acts of discrimination for reporting me before giving me a chance to defend myself against any alleged allegation causing me distress and stress and an environment or humiliating and unlawful harrasment to a public regulatory body with out giving me chance to defend myself.
They are also asking me to prove if I have cancer after the surgery where the cancer has been removed and trying to get my case striked out . I thought you were automatically covered and protected under the Equality Act 2010 whether you are in remission and had cancer removed but still have a disability, but they are asking for strict proof. Should I have to provide this if covered?