Please can you help I am grateful to have recovered from bi-lateral breast cancer with lymph nodes removed in February 2019. Returned back to work September 2020 after a year of chemo and radiotherapy. It was a task and challenge for me returning to work with the impact of 2019 and permanent side effects and now being on Letrozole for 10 years. Anyway I have managed almost 3 years from a phased return to back to full time. As I work in a SEN school I asked to moVe departments for the new term in September 2023 as I was anxious and unsure when I returned to work if I could do my job anymore.
The move of dept was to initially go back to where I started in school over 10 years ago wanting to work with more dependant pupils who are chair bound or health challenged. I have been now in the new class four weeks and In this time I feel be-littled,worthless,useless and anxious and I need to know if its me at fault or people I work with. I cannot stop worrying about this I feel my line managed has had enough of me as the last two days they have not spoke to me unless they want something doing or something I have done is not right and two-other colleague's who have been i. This class a while dont offer to help me but get on with it and rectify me (not verbally but physically)after I have done something not quite right. I pride myself on doing things right and always offer to help and ask if I dont know but my confidence is lacking so much I just make more mistakes daily due to my anxieties of getting it right.
I dont want to feel this way for the next five and a half weeks of holiday time.
Please can you help me