diagnosed with breast cancer in Aug 2021, struggled with stress and anxiety after treatment. Ended up having 5 months off work. Phased return from August 2022, January back to full time, however I have really struggled with full time and asked to go down to 4 days/32 hours, I struggled both physically and mentally with 40 hours, mostly fatigue but also with quality of life.
Today my supervisor had a chat to see how I was, I said I am feeling a lot better with the four days, she said what’s the plan, I didn’t know what she meant so asked her to clarify, basically she said they want me back full time and that four days is not long term! I don’t know where I stand as regards to this, I feel I cannot manage full time anymore and am quite happy with the four days. I am just wondering where I stand and if I have any rights with this situation.
many thanks