Changing jobs

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Hi I have been clear of cancer for about 8 months now but still really suffer to work ,I'm absolutely shattered after a 4 hour shift and am on light duties but still struggle, and work are now saying I should be doing more ,I would like to apply for a job that was not physical but don't have much experience on computers do Macmillan know if there's anyone who can help you change career after cancer 

  • Hello

    My name is Polly and I am a work support advisor on the Macmillan support line.


    Thank you so much for this question. Many people who have been through cancer treatment find their life has changed in so many ways. Some Cancer sufferers must rethink what they do and how they are going to make a living as they adjust.

    It is good to hear that your employer has supported you by allowing you lighter duties and different shifts. The obligation to make reasonable adjustments continue while you suffer disadvantages related to your cancer. If you are feeling pressure to increase your hours and take on full duties, then you may want to speak to your GP for a medical view of your situation. If your GP gives you a fit note that says you need to remain on shorter shifts and lighter duties then you may want to let your employer know that you need to follow medical advice for the sake of your health for the time being.

    Please have a look at our booklet “Your rights at work when you are affected by cancer”.

    When you were looking for work the Equality Act 2010 or the Disability Discrimination Act (if you live in Northern Ireland) applies to the recruitment process.

    When an employer is looking for recruits, they need to think about candidates who have the best qualifications, the personal qualities, and the experience they need to fill the vacancy. They should not be asking questions about health in the recruitment phase (they can in Northern Ireland) unless it is a qualification for the job. For example, they may be looking for candidates who can lift heavy weights or operate machinery. Some employers ask questions about protected characteristics for monitoring purposes to ensure that they are attracting candidates from a broad spectrum of the community. This information should not be available to the recruitment panel.  

    In some circumstances declaring a disability when you are applying for a post can be an advantage if the employer have signed up to the Disability Confident scheme. This means they are committed to employing disabled people and will guarantee an interview if you meet the basic conditions of the job.

    Where you are looking for a change in direction then we suggest that you reach out to the National Careers Service. They can offer guidance and advice on making the best applications for a post and they can signpost you to free training. In addition, you may want to contact your local further education college to see what free courses are available in your area. Another good way to gain new skills is to think about becoming a volunteer. You have control over the hours you can offer and you can choose volunteering opportunities that interest you.


    Work Support Advisor
    Remember you can also speak with the Macmillan Support Line team of experts. Phone free on 0808 808 0000 (7 days a week, 8am-8pm) or by email