Lasting Power of Attorney - Health

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My parent has made the decision not to continue with treatment and so we’ve started to get the ball rolling with the financial LPA. Is it likely that Health LPA is also useful in these circumstances? Will a DNAR cover their choices along with the fact that my sibling and I are listed as NOK? 

Can anyone give us a bit of a pointer? 

A bit unsure what lies ahead of us so totally unsure what may be useful to support them and the decision they’ve made. 

thank you! 

  • Hello  

    I’m sorry to hear about your parent’s health and understand the concerns regarding Lasting Power of Attorney.


    The Financial Guidance Service can provide information and guidance on all aspects of your personal finances to help you make informed decisions in the following areas;


    • Pensions and retirement options
    • Questions about insurance policies
    • Mortgages and money management
    • Arranging wills and trusts to protect your family
    • General financial planning questions

    We often find the best way to give you this information and guidance is to talk about your specific circumstances over the phone. This allows us to find out more about your situation and tailor our guidance to your needs.

    Our freephone number is 0808 808 0000. The financial guides are available Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm although our lines remain open until 8pm for other services. Alternatively you can speak to us on webchat here.


    I have included some information below regarding Health and Personal Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney, it’s important to know that this information only applies to England and Wales (we can also provide guidance for Scotland and Northern Ireland).

    Health and Personal Welfare LPA

    This gives an attorney the power to make decisions about the individual’s welfare, for example; medical treatment and whether they should go into a care home or hospice. This can be a general power covering all decisions or can be restricted to specific areas. In addition to this, the donor may make an Advance Decision – sometimes called a ‘living will’ – this gives legally enforceable instructions about the circumstances in which they would, or would not, wish to receive life-prolonging treatment. This type of LPA can only be used when the donor can no longer make their own decisions.


    As you also mentioned a DNAR and whether you and your siblings would be listed as Next of Kin, it may be worthwhile speaking to our Nurse Specialists who can provide a bit more advice on how the DNAR works and where you would stand as Next of Kin, without a Lasting Power of Attorney. They can also answer any medical related questions you may have. The team is staffed by a highly experienced group of fully trained nurses, who have access to the most up to date cancer information resources available.


    They can also be contacted on 0808 808 0000 selecting Option 1 and then Option 3. They are available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm. Alternatively they can also be contacted on webchat here and they also have an “Ask an Expert” page on our website here.


    I hope you find this information useful, please let us know if you have any further questions.

    Kind Regards


    Financial Guide