Ill health retirement

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  • 10 subscribers

Hello there . I've recently  applied  for ill health  retirement had cancer since 2015 13 operations  last one was a neck dissection  and half my voicebox  removed.  I heard yesterday  that I'm not getting  it . He's said I'm not fit for work just now  but I'm not permanently  unfit . But I thought I'd be due teir 2 as  he's said I'm not fit just now but may be in future . But looking at the  transcript  I think  I'm getting  nothing . He said he's filling in an S18 form for work .  Can you shed some light on situation  .  Thanks look forward to hearing from you 

  • Hi  ,

    Thanks for getting in touch. I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis and the difficulties you have had with your ill health retirement application.

    This certainly sounds like something we could discuss with you, but we would need to know a little more about your diagnosis and general health, the type of pension you have and your general financial situation. This will help us to give you guidance tailored specifically to your situation.

    Please feel free to call us on 0808 808 0000. To reach the Financial Guidance team just select options 1 then 2 then 1 again. Our team are available Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm. Alternatively if you find it easier to communicate via Webchat you get in touch with us by clicking here.

    Just to clarify, the Financial Guidance Service can provide information and guidance on all aspects of your personal finances to help you make informed decisions in the following areas;


    Questions about insurance policies

    Mortgages and money management

    Arranging wills and trusts to protect your family

    General financial planning questions

    If there is anything from the above list that you would like to discuss, please get in touch.


    Yours Sincerely,
    Joe – Financial Guide