Not working, to care for husband, but can't get any financial assistance?

  • 1 reply
  • 11 subscribers

I've had a good poke around, but am I correct that if my husband (late stage metastatic bowel cancer, 3 months of chemo plus surgery ahead) isn't collecting any benefits, that I can't claim anything as a carer?  I've left my job (contract job for a charity, that I loved, but was quite full-on).  Husband makes a decent salary, but we will struggle for a few months without the money I'd brought in as well.  Are we just out of luck?

  • Thank you for your question Just Jen. I’m sorry to hear about your partner’s diagnosis. We can certainly review your entitlements and if you’re able to claim anything.

    We have a dedicated team of Welfare Rights and Benefits Advisors who can discuss any benefits and grants your partner may be able to access. Unfortunately, they do not have an “Ask An Expert” forum on our community website, you can however contact them by phone on 0800 808 0000 selecting Option 1, then Option 2 and Option 2 again.

    They are available Monday to Friday from 8am – 8pm and Weekends 9am – 5pm. If you would prefer, you can also contact them via webchat here by selecting “Chat to us” and then “Welfare Benefits and grants”.

    They will ask for some financial details such as household income, any savings or assets and household bills such as rent/mortgage, council tax and energy costs to see what help is available.

    Just so you are aware, the Financial Guidance team can provide information and guidance on all aspects of personal finances to help you make informed decisions in the following areas;

    pensions and retirement options

    questions about insurance policies

    mortgages and money management

    arranging wills and trusts to protect your family

    general financial planning questions.

    If there is any topics from the above list you or your partner would like to discuss with us, please give us a call on 0800 808 0000 and select Option 1, then Option 2 and then Option 1. Our team is available Monday to Friday from 8am – 6pm.



    Financial Guide

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    The aim of the Financial Guidance Service is to provide you with information to help you make informed decisions about your personal finances. For financial advice, including recommendations to buy, sell, cancel or make a claim on specific financial products or to obtain any other type of financial services, you should speak to a financial adviser or company who is permitted to provide you with those services. You can find a local financial advice firm or other type of firm who provides regulated services on the Financial Conduct Authority's website -

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    If you need more details on your rights, please contact a financial, legal or other appropriate professional adviser

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