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Hi can you give use any advice on insurance we have asked our insurance company are we eligible to get paid out but they are saying that because we not got it written down in black white how long my hubby has left they want help he’s had nasopharyngeal cancer 

but been left with life changing problems post he’s had to have a dog fitted as his speech and swallowing is not working his nerves have been damaged at the base off his scull we are so worried any Beevice please Bee

  • Hello  

    Thanks for getting in touch. I’m really sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis.


    It’s difficult to say without knowing a little bit more about your husband’s policy. However, based on what you have mentioned, it may be the case that the insurer wants  confirmation of your husbands’ prognosis. This is typically the case when exploring the possibility of claiming on a life insurance policy under the terminal illness benefit clause.


    If you’re having difficulty making a claim on your insurance policy please call us. We often find the best way for us to help is to talk about your specific circumstances over the phone. This allows us to find out more about your situation and tailor our guidance to your needs. Our freephone number is 0808 808 0000. The financial guides are available Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm although our lines remain open until 8pm for other services. Or you can chat to us online by using our webchat service here


    In the meantime I’ve detailed some information below about Terminal Illness Benefit.


    Terminal illness benefit allows an early claim on a life insurance policy if doctors expect a prognosis of less than 12 months. The payout can be kept even if the person claiming lives longer than 12 months. The money can be used for anything. It’s sometimes not possible to claim under the terminal illness clause in the last 12 to 18 months of a policy. The insurance company will be able to tell you if this applies.


    It’s important to remember that if a claim is made under the terminal illness clause, it won’t later pay out to beneficiaries on death. It’s important to be aware of this as some people may want to consider how their family would manage financially before making a claim for terminal illness.


    Some policies pay out a lower amount on terminal illness claims than they would do if the person died. So, it’s important to check with the insurer how much they would pay out on terminal illness and if this would be different to a claim on death.


    Finally, it’s important to consider how a lump sum payout may affect any means tested benefits or inheritance tax liabilities.


    Just to let you know we have welfare rights advisers who can check state benefit entitlements and can help to access other financial support, such as one-off grants. They are also able to give advice on how any lump sums from insurance or pensions may affect means tested benefits. Our Welfare Rights Advisers are available on 0808 808 0000  Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm and Saturday & Sunday 9am – 5pm.

    I hope you found this information useful and please don’t hesitate to call us about your husbands insurance claim.



    Financial Guide


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     The aim of the Financial Guidance Service is to provide you with information to help you make informed decisions about your personal finances. For financial advice, including recommendations to buy, sell, cancel or make a claim on specific financial products or to obtain any other type of financial services, you should speak to a financial adviser or company who is permitted to provide you with those services. You can find a local financial advice firm or other type of firm who provides regulated services on the Financial Conduct Authority's website -

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