Hi, wonder if there's any advice / thoughts on this situation.
Dad been diagnosed with locally advanced bladder cancer, he's currently on a rehabilitation ward and due to be discharged soon, probably over the next week or so. Been treated with palliative radiotherapy.
Plan is for living at home downstairs, with full care package (for now).
Dad is showing signs of moderate dementia - the usual, can remember long term memories, his DoB, but short-term memories are all over the place - can't remember the occupational therapist seeing him earlier that day, is having weird delusional things like I've changed religion, that I've not visited him for years (last week), also that my mum has been having an affair and sold the house etc.
Anyway, my mum was quizzing this and is finally coming around to the reality that dad is showing signs of dementia, but she's concerned about finances.
House is there own
They DON'T have a joint account (apparently my dad was quite crap with money during their marriage, he used to just give a portion of his wage to my mum and she did all the bills/shopping etc. She's actually pretty good).
So dad would give mum a portion of his income (pension etc) and mum would sort out the bills, shopping etc. She has her pension income. My dad receives carers allowance mum said - but it's paid into his account (sounds a bit weird).
My questions are about mum getting power of attorney, I know that there's 2 sections - for financial and medical, what's the process for this, mum has asked the hospital occupational therapist but she just said 'google it' ... my folks don't even have the internet.
Thanks in advance , very stressful situation