Hello My wife is 56 and has been diagnosed with an incurable cancer. I am trying to access on her behalf a civil service pension she last paid into in 2007.
The civil service pensions say i need a referral from her line manager to claim the pension early on ill health. My wife worked for several different depts the last being Defra. A firm called sscl are the new administrators of HR and pay that the link civil service pensions say i should contact as part of Defra.
Sscl say they have no records of service before2017 and its down to civil service to set the ball Rowling to access the pension early on ill health.
My question is Do you still qualify for ill health civil service pension early if you have left the service many years before??
If so who do i need to contact to start the process?
As my wife is now no longer able to work, it seems that access to the pension she paid into is also out of reach until her retirement date.