Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.

  • Rupert’s myeloma

    Updates for friends and family on the progress of my treatment for Multiple Myeloma
  • family and friends

    feeling low and alone, even thou I have the perfect husband
  • family and friends causing issues

    My cancer returned tumor in the other kidney.great friends, shit family. Fell low & alone. unsupportive parent. their 70s,. 1 sister. '. my husband, he is great . I really can get through to my parents just how ill im .
  • unhappy

    feel so low with how my family treat me
  • Cancer is not the end

    A man before, during and after treatment. My life story for what it's worth...
  • Bereavef

    Lost my husband after 13 months of mesothelioma taken far to quickly
  • Scared and anxious

    My beautiful husband dignosed with kidney cancer had spread to lungs lymph nodes.
  • SFUC (short, fat, ugly, cancerous)

    The journey of an optimist - looking for the positives
  • Lost my mum I just want a hug

    12th July 2019 we was not in the perfect setting you see if in the magazines how your sat at a desk and there is a doctor and a nurse.
  • Brave dad

    Palliative care after fighting for three years