Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

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By last updated date
  • Facing up to bladder Cancer.

    Bladder Cancer journey to survival
  • Bilateral Neck dissection

    Can someone help me I am struggling with the numbness and tightness and also my eating after having a total thyroid removal and bilateral neck dissection I am so frightened of eating don't know if there is a element of anxiety there when eating.
  • Cancer+Muslim

    Being diagnosed with cancer presented many challenges and blessings that were unexpected. On the first anniversary of being diagnosed with a life changing illness, I'm going to share what it was like having cancer, and being a Muslim.
  • Tamoxifen (Nolvadex-D brand) and lot of hair lost - need help

    Does anyone else have had hair lost with (Nolvadex-d) Tamoxifen. I have been on this brand name for 3 months now and my hair is falling out. Worst nightmare for me. Anybody out there have the same problem. Please let me know or gave me some advice.
  • Hysteroscopy and biopsy

    Hi all I had a hysteroscopy and endomitrial biopsy done yesterday, they said endometrium had a polypoid appearance and was lumpy like that of bubble wrap. Had anyone heard this before. I have to wait for 6 weeks for biopsy result.
  • Info to stop hiccups

    Hi anybody out there got cure for severe hiccups caused with medication Was on lamprizol they changed to citradine Only taken two today as prescribed Tried my normal tricks haven't worked Just started chemo stretch Thanks
  • Info to stop hiccups

    Hi anybody out there got cure for severe hiccups caused with medication Was on lamprizol they changed to citradine Only taken two today as prescribed Tried my normal tricks haven't worked Just started chemo stretch Thanks
  • Thymoma cancer

    Everyone with Thymoma please share your experience about this rare disease.
  • Hiccups from medicatoon

    Hi just had first chemo session Tablets prescribed are giving me serious double treble hiccups Any remedies out there please
  • Clinical Trial

    Clinical trial for NK T Cell Lymphoma