Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

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By last updated date
  • My fight with GBM

    My blog is about Colin from Adelaide, Australia
  • Blogfromuranus
  • Hickman line

    My husband has just had the Hickman line put in. Can anyone advise how they mange the lines , with seat belts and sleeping .? We are struggling a little.
  • Struggling

    Losing a parent
  • nearly four years but it never goes away

    living beyond diagnosis and the all clear
  • Ain3 diagnosis

    Good morning, I am new to this forum , so, I hope I am doing this right. I was diagnosed on Friday with AIN 3 and have been unable to do or think about anything else. I am really scared. I'm not sure what to do next or the best course of action.
  • undiagnosed

    was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst/borderline tumour. 8 weeks later after colonoscopy and throat camera plus bloid tests, no further infi ormaton
  • undiagnosed

    We have lofgrens sydrome in thw family. Rather concerned the specialists claim to hav e not heard of it yet want to do biopsies of lymph nodes?
  • undiagnosed

    We have lofgrens sydrome in thw family. Rather concerned the specialists claim to hav e not heard of it yet want to do biopsies of lymph nodes?
  • partner given 50/50 chance cancer or crohn's

    my partner has abdominal mass presumed Crohn's fistula, we were told post surgery its an inoperable aggressive tumor, then told it was a sarcoma then told it could be either cancer or infection. still in limbo waiting for further tests