Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.

  • Lumpectomy markers

    Help please has anyone had markers inserted when having a lumpectomy and had a reaction to them

    Used writing to help digest the news, ongoing progress
  • Positivity

    I'm usually a miserable, sad person. Sat up tonight on my own watching Barry Manilow on Bbc4. Brought a smile to my face, my Nigel would be tapping his foot. Forgot how good music can be. Need it more in my life. Even ordered his cd off Amazon
  • let normal service resume

    Journey through breast cancer
  • The Phoenix Rises

    An overview from the beginning of identifying my "Small lymphatic Lymphoma" condition, through treatment and with observations that potentially may help fellow sufferers.
  • A Journey and a half

    from the beginning to the conclusion of treatment of my SLL condition, a journey and a half indeed.
  • Mony

    I am 74 years young I have neuroendocrine cancer liver and bone metastasis I have monthly sandostatim injections.My partner and I are wanting to enjoy our lives and go on holidays but are finding It difficult to find travel insurance .Can anyone help?
  • Husband 55

    On a miserable day in January 2018 my husband found out he had grade 4 lung cancer it was really shocking upsetting news. I was devastated because in 2015 I had breast cancer which luckily I found in time so only needed 3 weeks of Radiotherapy.
  • Testicular Cancer - Carboplatin Diary

    A brief diary documenting my experience of having one dose of Carboplatin to treat stage 1A seminoma