Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.

  • Poetry

    Poetry as a Help Mate
  • Brain cancer glioblastoma

    Desperate to try and get my husband to eat and drink. I always thought he would fight this awful thing but he's going the opposite way. He's supposed to be giving his granddaughter away at her wedding which was his reason to live but even given up
  • Could this be breast cancer?

    It looks like i have dimpling on one of my breasts
  • Travel Insurance

    Has anyone used Swiss Assist repatriation services?
  • Ct scan results

    Hi my partner had a ct scan two weeks ago and normally the sister on the ward usually rings her with the results but has not this time now she thinks it's bad news, if anything would they let her know straight away or wait until she sees the consultant
  • What to do?

    2cm skin lesion that is soft fleshy, brown/pink in colour and a bit sensitive. Located in crease of leg/groin and is uneven shape. GP saw it 2 years ago when it was smaller and said not to worry. Now It's grown and concerns me.
  • Concerned

    Nudle in lung..
  • orchiectomy

    orchiectomy.. swelling .. removal
  • 10 yrs on now I decide to cry?

    Grade 2 astrosytoma , radiotherapy, chemotherapy, epilepsy .
  • Vulva cancer surgery

    Vulva cancer wide incision surgery