Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.


  • Travel insurance

    Paying too Much for Travel Insurance
  • Starting Chemo

    Hi ya I’m due to start Chemo tomorrow after a long delay & now I have a cold do u know if they will still go ahead with the chemo? Thank you for ur replies x
  • Melanoma

    Skin cancer melanoma lymphnode cancer
  • Worried of Ovarian cancer, have all the symptoms, Great Grand mother and Grand mother died of it, help please.

    51 yr, tubes tied, Inguinal hernia w/ mesh procedure in 2015 right side, 2016 colonoscopy that tors bottom part of my mesh, CT scan showed it, and it’s also showed fluid in the abdominal cavity and 2 left and right ovarian cyst, right side complex.
  • coping and diet

    Trying to help myself with the cancer diagnosis and puzzled about asparagine
  • Lumpectomy after chemo

    I was originally due surgery 5 wks after my last chemo, but has been brought forward to 3wks 2 days. Anyone had this so soon after treatment? Am stressing that my body won't be up to it after the surgeon originally told me I needed 5 wks to fully recov
  • start of our journey begins

    lung cancer secondary to brain
  • Help?

    Don't know how to get started! :)
  • Breast biopsy done awaiting results

    I’m 31, found a lump in left breast had an ultrasound then they said needed to do biopsy. The lady said it’s likely to be fibrous but they like to prove these things.. is this true? Am I worrying fo no reason? I have to wait 10 days for the results.