Cancer Blogs

Blogging can be a great way to journal your experiences and share with others. Why not create your own cancer journey blog, or have a read of other blogs created by our members?

Unsure how to get started? Take a look at our guide on how to create your own blog.

  • Life after Larryngectomee

    Based on my 'Tips for Nurses' describes my experience.
  • My Big Sister

    My big sister is battling bowel cancer that has spread to the peritoneum.
  • Wanting to be on your own

    Hi guys I hope everyone is in good spirits Just a question Has anyone found that they went through a stage where they just wanted to be on there own and not interact with family and friends selfish I guess but just tired of everything !
  • CLL

    My journey in trial treatment
  • CUP (Cancer of Unknown Primary)

    Hi I just wondered if anyone on here knows about CUP it’s a rare type of cancer? My dads got it and were all devastated.
  • ssw

    Osophegus concerns
  • hi

    hi there i have no idear of what i am doing
  • Recovering from AML

    My muscles ache so bad. I am not coping with all this very well.
  • Travel Insurance

    Hi Guys, hope you can help. I'm 8½ years breast cancer free and have always got specialist travel insurance for my holidays, do I still need it after all this time? Thanks
  • Dad

    My dad got told he had kidney cancer last year and had to have surgery 22 may to have it out and had staples and he had allgeric reaction to them and was back in hospital and he was being sick with blood to he got a letter the other day